Christmas illuminations: La Belle Lune > 자유게시판

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Christmas illuminations: La Belle Lune

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작성자 ulEa5p 작성일 24-10-27 19:13 조회 10 댓글 0


The end of the year is a busy time for Christmas illuminations.

The most famous attraction is this.

The huge Baccarat chandelier.

This is lit up in pink or blue depending on the time of day.

I like the white, though.

I like the low light, ephemeral light, as in the photo above.

But the gorgeous ones are more popular.

The amount of light also changes.

The trees on both sides are also lit up,


Usually, there is a market selling Christmas goods, but I wonder if it will be canceled this year due to COVID...

It hasn't been opened yet.

They sell things like mulled wine at the market, so you can warm up even on a cold day.

It's such a shame.

It's within walking distance from my house in Hiroo.

I only go there occasionally since Mitsukoshi closed, but it's a place I like.

There is a nice restaurant there.

(It's expensive though^^;)

There are also shops that are popular for their Christmas cakes.

It's a highly recommended place to spend time with your loved one.

I wish there was an art museum or something after Mitsukoshi.

I wonder.

Yebisu Garden Place.

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