Boost Your Nonprofit’s Donation Strategy with Planned Giving Strategies > 자유게시판

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Boost Your Nonprofit’s Donation Strategy with Planned Giving Strategie…

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작성자 Taylah Smalley 작성일 24-11-18 12:07 조회 242 댓글 0


52735731911_5f95dfc48b.jpgDiscover how planned giving can improve your Nonprofit giving programs’s donation strategy. Learn about planned giving strategies, bequests, Major Donor legacy gifts and Estate planning for nonprofits planned giving and strategies to connect with supporters in long-term giving. Start building a strong foundation for Charitable giving programs your nonprofit today.

This title and description highlight the core idea while speaking nonprofits looking for ways to grow their Annual fundraising growth and Nonprofit giving programs attract long-term donors.

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