1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Croquet > 자유게시판

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1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Croquet

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작성자 Zita Virgin 작성일 24-07-26 20:06 조회 2 댓글 0


A great player-I may say a very great player-once told me that he had been unable to drive off the tee to his satisfaction for no less a period than four years-this player must have been more than human if to a greater or less degree he was not during all that time in an important match troubled with nerves when he took his stand on the tee. Before he had time to answer, she was running back towards the house. I pushed the hands back a half hour, and waited once more; I had to, for I was vexed and restless now, and my sleepiness was gone. They had reached the terrace now, and from where they stood they overlooked a croquet lawn-flush and smooth as a green carpet-bounded on its further side by the row of wych elms and the stream. As they made their way to the terrace she had indicated, Arthur told her something of his work in Peckham and of his reasons for wishing to leave it. It is possible to lay out a course entirely in the way I have described. He felt as if his cousin, in another manner, was also opposing him, was in some way suspicious and inimical.


Was it not probable that all these descendants of the old man were, in some sense, at least, trying to "keep in" with him, trying to win his special favour for their own ends? But Cripps had gone over on purpose and seen him, and got his promise that he should have it to-morrow certain, and if Mr. Loman would call or send up, it should be ready for him, without failing. Cripps had seen it, and flattered himself he knew something about rods, but had never seen one to beat this. He was standing with his feet crossed and rocked slowly from one to the other as he spoke. One of those frightful fellows who forgot to pack your collars? Hargate was the sort of man who could, and would, make it exceedingly unpleasant for him if he failed. That may be the reason why it is difficult for him to win certain holes, but there ought to be other holes where compensation is possible; and the long-driving youth being forced to use restraint, is punished for attempting this wholesome discipline, and the middle-aged man may smile.

He knew that he was being a trifle perverse as he answered that. Even Homer-we have it on the authority of Mr Kipling-when he smote his blooming lyre went and stole what he thought he might require. "I’ve thought of another question," she said. He looked at her with a new criticism, and her youth and freshness seemed almost an offence. She looked at him again with that look of earnest inquiry with which she had first greeted him. He was frowning and fidgeting; he had the look of a weak man trying to make an important decision. 11. The old-fashioned under-hand lobbing, if governed by a good head-dropping short when a man is coming out, and sometimes tossed higher and sometimes lower,-is a valuable change in most Elevens; but it must be high and accurately pitched, and must have head-work in it. She must go home, she said. There was something alive and individual about her, she had not that effect of a slight staleness which the other members of the family seemed to convey. Arthur marked that repetition of his aunt't phrase with a slight sense of uneasiness. Arthur following, what is billiards kept her in sight as long as he could.

But at his first sight of her, Arthur saw that Eleanor was different from the others. Arthur remembered the remark of the chauffeur who had driven him from the station. And Farnie resembled the lady in The Ingoldsby Legends who 'didn't mind death, but who couldn't stand pinching'. The one fact I complain of in this agitation is that those in favour of the abolition of the stimie seem to me to base their arguments solely on the fact that it is hard luck on the man who is stimied, and they ignore any other question whatever. And there is war in the night, no man knowing whom he strikes. Examples are scarcely needed to show that, whatever else we think of as affecting practical affairs, we do not think it matters whether a man is a pessimist or an optimist, a Cartesian or a Hegelian, a materialist or a spiritualist.

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